1. Kingwascharapong , P., Janthueng, J., Kongsorn, P., Sanprasert, S., Pansawat, N., Wannawisan, N., Hunsakul, K., Moula Ali, M. A., Grossmann, L., Sai-ut, S., Pongsetkul, J., Phongthai, S., Zhang, W., Rawdkuen, S., 2024. Development of Seasoned Green Mussel (Perna viridis) with Sodium Reduction using Stealth Reduction Approaches. Future Foods. 100441
2. Kumnerdsiri, P., Sanprasert, S., Praiboon, J., Seubsai, A., Sirisarn, W., Pongsetkul, J., Harnkarnsujarit, N., Rawdkuen, S., Karnjanapratum, S., Sai-Ut, S., and Kingwascharapong, P., 2024. Characterization of Cha-Kram leaf extract powder using ultrasound-assisted extraction and its application in gelatin-based film as biodegradable active film. Future Foods. 100419.
3. Saengsuk, N., Boonanuntanasarn, S., Kingwascharapong, P., Sai-ut, S., Phonsiri, K. and Pongsetkul, J. 2024. Comparative study on the composition and characteristics of giant river prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) cultured using an alternative vertical-recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) and traditional pond: Organoleptic and nutritional aspects. Aquaculture. 591, 741151.
4. Saengsuk, N., Boonanuntanasarn, S., Boonchuen, P., Phonsiri K., Kingwascharapong, P., Petsong, K. and Pongsetkul, J. 2024. Microbiota differences of giant river prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) cultured in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) – A prototype vertical farming and traditional pond cultured system and their impact on autolysis rate and textural characteristics. Aquaculture. 588, 740959.
5. Sai-Ut, S., Kingwascharapong, P., Mazumder, M. A. R. and Rawdkuen, S. 2024. Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds and antioxidants from Careya sphaerica Roxb. flowers using response surface methodology. Applied Food Research. 4 (1), 100379.
6. Kingwascharapong, P., Paewpisakul, P., Sripoovieng, W., Sanprasert, S., Pongsetkul, J., Meethong, R., Hunsakul, K., Karnjanapratum, S., Ali, M. M. A., Petsong K., and Rawdkuen, S. 2024. Development of Fish Snack (Keropok) with Sodium Reduction using Alternative Salts (KCl and CaCl2). Future Foods. 9, 100285.
7. Sai-Ut, S., Kingwascharapong, P., Mazumder, M. A. R. and Rawdkuen, S. 2023. Optimization of Polyphenolic Compounds from Gossampinus malabarica Flowers by Microwave-Assisted Extraction Technology. Future Foods. 8, 100271.
8. Kingwascharapong, P., Sanprasert, s. Hunsakul, K., Pongsetkul, J., Wararam, W. and Rawdkuen S. 2023. Partial substitution of NaCl with alternative salts (KCl, CaCl2, and yeast extract) in smoked green mussel product. Future Foods. 8, 10266.
9. Sai-Ut, S., Kingwascharapong, P., Mazumder, M. A. R. and Rawdkuen, S. 2023. Optimization of Ethanolic Extraction of Phenolic Antioxidants from Lychee and Longan Seeds Using Response Surface Methodology. Foods, 12(15). 1-19.
10. Maser, W. H. Maiyah, N. Nagarajan, M. Kingwascharapong, P. Senphan, T. Ali, A. M. M. and Bavisetty, S. C. B. 2023. Effect of different extraction solvents on the yield and enzyme inhibition (α-amylase, α-glucosidase, and lipase) activity of some vegetables. Biodiversitas. 24 (6). 3320 – 3331.
11. Maser, W. H., Karnjanapratum, S., Kingwascharapong, P. Venkatachalam, K., Ali, A. M. M., Bavisetty, S. C. B. 2023. Effect of different drying methods on phenolic content, antioxidant, antidiabetic, anti-obesity, and inhibition kinetic properties of selective green leafy vegetables. Biodiversitas. 24 (9). 4896– 4909.
12. Thongboon, S., Chukeaw, T., Niamnuy, C., Roddecha, S., Prapainainar, P., Chareonpanich, M., Kingwascharapong, P., Faungnawakij, K., Rupprechter, G., and Seubsai A. 2023. Pineapple-Leaf-Derived, Copper-PAN-Modified Regenerated Cellulose Sheet Used as a Hydrogen Sulfide Indicator . ACS Omega. 8(19). 17134-17142.
13. Kingwascharapong, P., Arisa, Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2023. Effect of Plasticizer Concentration on the Properties of Hydroxypropyl Cellulose (HPC) Film Enhanced with Sodium Dehydroacetate. Journal Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University. 68(1), 55-65.
14. Pongsetkul, J., Kingwascharapong, P., Senpan, T. 2022. Biochemical Changes of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Meat during Ice Storage: A Comparison between Slurry Ice vs Flake Ice. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 1-14.
15. Kingwascharapong, P., Arisa, K., Karnjanapratum, Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2022. Effect of Sodium Propionate on the Inhibition of Botrytis cinerea (in vitro) and Predictive Model Based on Monte Carlo Simulation. Food Science and Technology Research. 28 (4), 285-295.
16. Wardana, A., Kingwascharapong, P. Wigati, P. L., Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2022. The antifungal effect against Penicillium italicum and characterization of fruit coating from chitosan/ZnO nanoparticle/Indonesian sandalwood essential oil composites. Food Packaging and Shelf Life. 32: 100849.
17. Kingwascharapong, P., Petsong, K., Karnjanapratum, S. and Pongsetkul, J. 2022. Development and Characterization of Thai Fish Cake (Tod Mun Pla) Fortified with Sago Palm Weevil Larvae (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus). Current Applied Science and Technology. 22 (6), 1-18.
18. Kingwascharapong, P., Chaijun, M. and Karnjanapratum, S. 2021. Ultrasound-assisted extraction of protein from Bombay locusts and its impact on functional and antioxidative properties. Scientific Reports. 11:17320
19. Wardana, A., A., Kingwascharapong, P., Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2021. CuO nanoparticles/Indonesian cedarwood essential oil-loaded chitosan coating film: Characterization and antifungal improvement against Penicillium spp.. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. 56( 9), 4224-4238
20. Van, T. T., Kingwascharapong, P., Karnjanapratum, S. Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2021. Effect of edible coatings developed from chitosan incorporated with tea seed oil on Japanese pear. Scientia Horticulturae. 288:110314.1-10.
21. Wardak, M. H., Kingwascharapong, P., Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2021. Preparation and characterization of corn starch-based film: effect of citric acid or sunflower oil and its combination. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization. 15, 1907–1915.
22. Kingwascharapong, P., Iida, Y. Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2020. Simulation of a UV-C conveyor system using computational fluid dynamics techniques on the uniformity of the incident UV-C dose distribution to strawberry, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University. 65 (2), 371–378.
23. Kingwascharapong, P., Arisa, K., Karnjanapratum, S., Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2020. Effect of gelatin-based coating containing frog skin oil on the quality of persimmon and its characteristics. Scientia Horticulturae. 260: 108864.
24. Kingwascharapong, P., Arisa, K., Karnjanapratum, Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2020. Impact of Asian Bull Frog (R. tigerina) Skin Oil on Growth Inhibition of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (in vitro) and its Prediction Modeling. Food science and Technology research. 26(1):47-52.
25. Karnjanapratum, S., Kingwascharapong, P. Nalinanon, S. 2019. Antimicrobial activity of oil extracted from Rana tigerina skin and its impact on gelatin-based film. Journal of Food Science and Agricultural Technology. 5 (Spcl. Iss.): 114-119.
26. Kingwascharapong, P., Iida, Y. Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2019. Effects of UV-C Treatment on Green Mold Rot (Penicillium digitatum) and Physico-Chemical Properties of Post-Harvest Strawberry Using UV-C Conveyer Machine, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 64(2), 301-307.
27. Kingwascharapong, P. and Benjakul, S. 2016. Effect of phosphate and bicarbonate replacers on quality changes of raw and cooked Pacific white shrimp as influenced by the repeated freeze-thawing. International Journal of Refrigeration. 67: 345-354.
28. Kingwascharapong, P. and Benjakul, S. 2016. Effect of strong alkaline solutions on yield and characteristics of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). International Food Research Journal. 23(3): 1136-1144.
29. Kingwascharapong, P. and Benjakul, S. 2016. Effect of some amino acids on yield and characteristics of Pacific white shrimp treated with alkaline soaking solution. Italian Journal of Food Science.28: 480-496.
30. Benjakul, S. and Kingwascharapong, P. 2016. Effect of monosodium glutamate on physicochemical properties and quality of Alkali-treated Pacific white shrimp. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 51: 1827-1833.
31. Yarnpakdee, S., Benjakul, S. and Kingwascharapong, P. 2015. Physico-chemical and gel properties of agar from Gracilaria tenuistipitata from the lake of Songkhla, Thailand. Food Hydrocolloids. 51: 217-226.
List of Conference Proceeding
1. Kingwascharapong, P. Karnjanapratum, S. Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. Screening (in vitro) The Inhibition Effect of Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) Substances on The Postharvest Fungal Pathogens and Its Modelling. International Joint Conference on JSAM, SASJ and 13th CIGR VI technical sysposium. 3-6 September, 2019. Hokkaido. Japan.
2. Kingwascharapong, P. and Benjakul, S. 2014. Effect of alkaline solution at various pHs on water holding capacity and physicochemical properties of muscle protein from Pacific white shrimp. The 40th congress on science and technology of Thailand (STT 40). Conference. Khon Kaen, Thailand. 2-4 December, 2014. Poster presentation.
3. Kingwascharapong, P. and Benjakul, S. Effect of Strong Alkaline Solutions on Yield and Characteristics of Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) The 2nd AFSA Conference on Food Safety and Security Dong Nai University of Technology, August 15-18, 2014, Bien Hoa City, Vietnam.
2. Kumnerdsiri, P., Sanprasert, S., Praiboon, J., Seubsai, A., Sirisarn, W., Pongsetkul, J., Harnkarnsujarit, N., Rawdkuen, S., Karnjanapratum, S., Sai-Ut, S., and Kingwascharapong, P., 2024. Characterization of Cha-Kram leaf extract powder using ultrasound-assisted extraction and its application in gelatin-based film as biodegradable active film. Future Foods. 100419.
3. Saengsuk, N., Boonanuntanasarn, S., Kingwascharapong, P., Sai-ut, S., Phonsiri, K. and Pongsetkul, J. 2024. Comparative study on the composition and characteristics of giant river prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) cultured using an alternative vertical-recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) and traditional pond: Organoleptic and nutritional aspects. Aquaculture. 591, 741151.
4. Saengsuk, N., Boonanuntanasarn, S., Boonchuen, P., Phonsiri K., Kingwascharapong, P., Petsong, K. and Pongsetkul, J. 2024. Microbiota differences of giant river prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) cultured in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) – A prototype vertical farming and traditional pond cultured system and their impact on autolysis rate and textural characteristics. Aquaculture. 588, 740959.
5. Sai-Ut, S., Kingwascharapong, P., Mazumder, M. A. R. and Rawdkuen, S. 2024. Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds and antioxidants from Careya sphaerica Roxb. flowers using response surface methodology. Applied Food Research. 4 (1), 100379.
6. Kingwascharapong, P., Paewpisakul, P., Sripoovieng, W., Sanprasert, S., Pongsetkul, J., Meethong, R., Hunsakul, K., Karnjanapratum, S., Ali, M. M. A., Petsong K., and Rawdkuen, S. 2024. Development of Fish Snack (Keropok) with Sodium Reduction using Alternative Salts (KCl and CaCl2). Future Foods. 9, 100285.
7. Sai-Ut, S., Kingwascharapong, P., Mazumder, M. A. R. and Rawdkuen, S. 2023. Optimization of Polyphenolic Compounds from Gossampinus malabarica Flowers by Microwave-Assisted Extraction Technology. Future Foods. 8, 100271.
8. Kingwascharapong, P., Sanprasert, s. Hunsakul, K., Pongsetkul, J., Wararam, W. and Rawdkuen S. 2023. Partial substitution of NaCl with alternative salts (KCl, CaCl2, and yeast extract) in smoked green mussel product. Future Foods. 8, 10266.
9. Sai-Ut, S., Kingwascharapong, P., Mazumder, M. A. R. and Rawdkuen, S. 2023. Optimization of Ethanolic Extraction of Phenolic Antioxidants from Lychee and Longan Seeds Using Response Surface Methodology. Foods, 12(15). 1-19.
10. Maser, W. H. Maiyah, N. Nagarajan, M. Kingwascharapong, P. Senphan, T. Ali, A. M. M. and Bavisetty, S. C. B. 2023. Effect of different extraction solvents on the yield and enzyme inhibition (α-amylase, α-glucosidase, and lipase) activity of some vegetables. Biodiversitas. 24 (6). 3320 – 3331.
11. Maser, W. H., Karnjanapratum, S., Kingwascharapong, P. Venkatachalam, K., Ali, A. M. M., Bavisetty, S. C. B. 2023. Effect of different drying methods on phenolic content, antioxidant, antidiabetic, anti-obesity, and inhibition kinetic properties of selective green leafy vegetables. Biodiversitas. 24 (9). 4896– 4909.
12. Thongboon, S., Chukeaw, T., Niamnuy, C., Roddecha, S., Prapainainar, P., Chareonpanich, M., Kingwascharapong, P., Faungnawakij, K., Rupprechter, G., and Seubsai A. 2023. Pineapple-Leaf-Derived, Copper-PAN-Modified Regenerated Cellulose Sheet Used as a Hydrogen Sulfide Indicator . ACS Omega. 8(19). 17134-17142.
13. Kingwascharapong, P., Arisa, Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2023. Effect of Plasticizer Concentration on the Properties of Hydroxypropyl Cellulose (HPC) Film Enhanced with Sodium Dehydroacetate. Journal Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University. 68(1), 55-65.
14. Pongsetkul, J., Kingwascharapong, P., Senpan, T. 2022. Biochemical Changes of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Meat during Ice Storage: A Comparison between Slurry Ice vs Flake Ice. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 1-14.
15. Kingwascharapong, P., Arisa, K., Karnjanapratum, Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2022. Effect of Sodium Propionate on the Inhibition of Botrytis cinerea (in vitro) and Predictive Model Based on Monte Carlo Simulation. Food Science and Technology Research. 28 (4), 285-295.
16. Wardana, A., Kingwascharapong, P. Wigati, P. L., Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2022. The antifungal effect against Penicillium italicum and characterization of fruit coating from chitosan/ZnO nanoparticle/Indonesian sandalwood essential oil composites. Food Packaging and Shelf Life. 32: 100849.
17. Kingwascharapong, P., Petsong, K., Karnjanapratum, S. and Pongsetkul, J. 2022. Development and Characterization of Thai Fish Cake (Tod Mun Pla) Fortified with Sago Palm Weevil Larvae (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus). Current Applied Science and Technology. 22 (6), 1-18.
18. Kingwascharapong, P., Chaijun, M. and Karnjanapratum, S. 2021. Ultrasound-assisted extraction of protein from Bombay locusts and its impact on functional and antioxidative properties. Scientific Reports. 11:17320
19. Wardana, A., A., Kingwascharapong, P., Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2021. CuO nanoparticles/Indonesian cedarwood essential oil-loaded chitosan coating film: Characterization and antifungal improvement against Penicillium spp.. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. 56( 9), 4224-4238
20. Van, T. T., Kingwascharapong, P., Karnjanapratum, S. Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2021. Effect of edible coatings developed from chitosan incorporated with tea seed oil on Japanese pear. Scientia Horticulturae. 288:110314.1-10.
21. Wardak, M. H., Kingwascharapong, P., Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2021. Preparation and characterization of corn starch-based film: effect of citric acid or sunflower oil and its combination. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization. 15, 1907–1915.
22. Kingwascharapong, P., Iida, Y. Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2020. Simulation of a UV-C conveyor system using computational fluid dynamics techniques on the uniformity of the incident UV-C dose distribution to strawberry, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University. 65 (2), 371–378.
23. Kingwascharapong, P., Arisa, K., Karnjanapratum, S., Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2020. Effect of gelatin-based coating containing frog skin oil on the quality of persimmon and its characteristics. Scientia Horticulturae. 260: 108864.
24. Kingwascharapong, P., Arisa, K., Karnjanapratum, Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2020. Impact of Asian Bull Frog (R. tigerina) Skin Oil on Growth Inhibition of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (in vitro) and its Prediction Modeling. Food science and Technology research. 26(1):47-52.
25. Karnjanapratum, S., Kingwascharapong, P. Nalinanon, S. 2019. Antimicrobial activity of oil extracted from Rana tigerina skin and its impact on gelatin-based film. Journal of Food Science and Agricultural Technology. 5 (Spcl. Iss.): 114-119.
26. Kingwascharapong, P., Iida, Y. Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. 2019. Effects of UV-C Treatment on Green Mold Rot (Penicillium digitatum) and Physico-Chemical Properties of Post-Harvest Strawberry Using UV-C Conveyer Machine, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, 64(2), 301-307.
27. Kingwascharapong, P. and Benjakul, S. 2016. Effect of phosphate and bicarbonate replacers on quality changes of raw and cooked Pacific white shrimp as influenced by the repeated freeze-thawing. International Journal of Refrigeration. 67: 345-354.
28. Kingwascharapong, P. and Benjakul, S. 2016. Effect of strong alkaline solutions on yield and characteristics of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). International Food Research Journal. 23(3): 1136-1144.
29. Kingwascharapong, P. and Benjakul, S. 2016. Effect of some amino acids on yield and characteristics of Pacific white shrimp treated with alkaline soaking solution. Italian Journal of Food Science.28: 480-496.
30. Benjakul, S. and Kingwascharapong, P. 2016. Effect of monosodium glutamate on physicochemical properties and quality of Alkali-treated Pacific white shrimp. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 51: 1827-1833.
31. Yarnpakdee, S., Benjakul, S. and Kingwascharapong, P. 2015. Physico-chemical and gel properties of agar from Gracilaria tenuistipitata from the lake of Songkhla, Thailand. Food Hydrocolloids. 51: 217-226.
List of Conference Proceeding
1. Kingwascharapong, P. Karnjanapratum, S. Tanaka, F. and Tanaka, F. Screening (in vitro) The Inhibition Effect of Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) Substances on The Postharvest Fungal Pathogens and Its Modelling. International Joint Conference on JSAM, SASJ and 13th CIGR VI technical sysposium. 3-6 September, 2019. Hokkaido. Japan.
2. Kingwascharapong, P. and Benjakul, S. 2014. Effect of alkaline solution at various pHs on water holding capacity and physicochemical properties of muscle protein from Pacific white shrimp. The 40th congress on science and technology of Thailand (STT 40). Conference. Khon Kaen, Thailand. 2-4 December, 2014. Poster presentation.
3. Kingwascharapong, P. and Benjakul, S. Effect of Strong Alkaline Solutions on Yield and Characteristics of Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) The 2nd AFSA Conference on Food Safety and Security Dong Nai University of Technology, August 15-18, 2014, Bien Hoa City, Vietnam.