Regional Workshop on Compilation of Lesson Learned on SEAFDEC JTF Project: Small-scale Fisheries for Better Livelihood and Fisheries Resource
ชื่อโครงการ/กิจกรรม : โครงการฝึกอบรม หลักสูตร “หลักการบริหารจัดการทรัพยากรประมงทะเลอย่างยั่งยืน”
ส่วนงานที่ร่วมดำเนินการ SEAFDEC/TD
1) Report the implementation results and lesson learned of each component of the Small-Scale Fisheries Management for Better Livelihood and Fisheries Resource Project;
2) Compile the information on the key successes/challenges, lesson learned and future activities of the EAFM implementation in the pilot site of SEAFDEC Member Countries;
3) Identify the way forward to strengthen small-scale fisheries management in SEA.
วัน/เดือน/ปี และสถานที่จัด 5–7 August 2024, in Krabi Province, Thailand
- The target participants (about 46 people) are
- 18 persons from SEAFDEC Member Countries (2 participants from each member country)
- 18 persons from SEAFDEC Departments: SEC (5), TD (9), IFRDMD (1), Deputy Chief of AQD (1), Deputy Chief of IFRDMD (1), Deputy Chief of MFRDMD (1)
- 4 resource persons from FAO (1), Japan (1), Kasetsart University (1), Mahidol University (1)
- 6 Thai local fishery officers from the pilot site of EAFM.
จำนวนผู้เข้าร่วม 46 people
1. Implementation results and lesson learned on each component of the Small-Scale Fisheries Management for Better Livelihood and Fisheries Resource Project;
2. Information on the key success/challenges, lesson learned and future activities of the EAFM implementation in the pilot sites of SEAFDEC Member Countries.
3. List of ways forward to strengthen small-scale fisheries management in SEA.
Dr. Sirisuda Jumnongsong, a lecturer from Fisheries Management Department, Faculty of Fisheries, was invited as a resource person and a speaker on the topic, "Fisheries laws and regulations: Tools for sustainable small-scale fisheries livelihood."