Kasetsart University Museum of Fisheries (Natural History)
Kasetsart University Museum of Fisheries (Natural History) is the subdivision of Academic Supporting Division, Faculty of Fisheries. This museum was established in 1964 in the time of Professor Chote Suvatti was the Dean of the faculty with agreement of Professor Insee Jantara Satid, the president of the university at that time. At first time, this museum established for relationship between Kasetsart University and University of Hawaii for providing knowledge to general public and research in term of fisheries resource.
The agency's main mission
1. To research on biodiversity and taxonomy of aquatic organism.
2. For deposit aquatic organism specimens and exhibit some historical background in term of aquatic natural history in Thailand.
3. To support students and researchers in term of taxonomy.
4. To providing basic Knowledge of aquatic natural history to general public.
The potential of the agency
Kasetsart University Museum of Fisheries (Natural History) (KUMF) may be one of the most perfect aquatic natural history museum in Thailand. There are several important evidence related to aquatic natural history deposited in this museum. For example
- The first set of fishes specimens collected by Dr. H.M. Smith during A.D.1923 – 1936, which including Holotype and Paratype more than 49 species and also more than 500 specimens of identified fishes.
- Field note of Dr. H.M. Smith (34 books) and Index cards wrote by Dr. H.M. Smith (560 cards).
- More than 15,000 cards of index cards wrote by Professor Chote Suvatti
- Beautiful collection of watercolor fish portraits painted by Luang Masya Chitrakarn in the reign of King Rama VI and black and white fish paintings by Professor Chote Suvatti in total number of 116 pictures.
- Shells which have been collected since A.D.1923.
The museum consists of three main part of work
1. Exhibition hall. The exhibition hall display posters and stuffed aquatic animal specimens. Furthermore, display some living aquatic organism for providing some historical background and basic knowledge to general public.
2. Reference collection. The museum has more than 300,000 specimens of aquatic organisms in this part including fishes, crustaceans, mollusks, algae, marine mammals, etc., which have been collected continuously since 1923.
3. Research unit. Research on taxonomy of Fishes, aquatic invertebrate and algae. The museum have team of specialist in Fish, Marine mollusks, Marine algae and Sponges.
Kasetsart University Museum of Fisheries (Natural history) located in Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Bangkhen campus, Chatuchak, Bangkok. The total area of this museum is 757.46 square meters.
The weather
November – February the winter time with low temperature
March – April the summer hot time with height temperature
May – October the rainy time
Average temperature all year round
Average temperature 30 degree Celsius
Rainfall, average year round
1496.8 mm.
Geographical coordinates
Latitude 130 51’ 18.16” N Longitude 1000 34’ 03.62” E

ประกาศ พิพิธภัณฑ์ธรรมชาติวิทยาประมง